In-Grown Toenails

In-Grown Toenails

How do we recognise them and how are they treated?
In-grown toenails have many causes. From genetically “curly” toes that can grow into the side of our toes, damage to the nail growth area, to spikes of nail not being removed effectively.


Pain is a usual indicator of an ingrowing toenail, and some can get infected and bleed if left too long without treatment. In-growing nails are more easily dealt with by your podiatrist if they are found early and treated before they cause discomfort or even infection.


Not all ingrown toenails need to be “cut out”. Sometimes a small piece of nail can be taken out, with no need for anaesthetic, or “cutting”, as this “nail spike” is a common cause of in-grown toenail pain.

MR Podiatry in-grown toenail 

“Keeping Your Feet in the Best Possible Condition”


General foot problems, Skin and Nail care, Paediatric Foot Assessments and Sport Podiatry


All consultations accompanied by an EPC referral from your GP are bulk billed.


We are registered with all funds through HICAPS and can process your claim immediately with your private health card.

Orthotic Coverage

Podiatrists are the only profession recognised by ALL private health funds to prescribe orthotics.